In order to achieve the educational objectives of the graduate school, the curriculum is grouped into three major fields, including Networks, Multimedia Signal Processing, and Wireless Communication. Those majors are all connected to the in-depth undergraduate courses focused on the Accreditation Program, allowing students to form the foundation before the graduate program. The curriculum is typically devised after considering the academic difficulty and systemicity of the subjects that the students have formed in their undergraduate courses. For practical matters, the students majoring in electronic engineering first take the general major courses prior to taking the in-depth courses. In the 4th undergraduate year, particularly, the students take the in-depth major subjects that help continue their graduate study or get ready for job application.
1. Cultivating students' ability to understand and analyze various engineering problems correctly, and solve the problems effectively by using practical tools, on the basis of basic knowledge in electronic engineering,
2. Cultivating students' ability to creatively design the electronic engineering elements, systems and processes according to the given specifications, and set up plans for experiments and implement such experiments for themselves
3. Cultivating students' ability to communicate effectively, participate in teamwork activities, and carry out international cooperation as an electronic engineer
4. Cultivating students' occupational ethics as an electronic engineer, broad understanding of the influence of engineering solution on society, and the ability to participate in life-long education.
Computer Vision I,ケ/ Special Topics in Multimedia and Information I,ケ/ Advanced Electromagnetics/ RFIC Analysis for RFIC/ Energy conversion ケ/ Semiconductor Electrophysics/ Solid State Electronics/ Optical Processes in Semiconductors/ Semiconductor Electrochemistry /Super conductor Topics/ Microwave Circuits /Microwave Circuits /Satellite Communication Engineering / Microwave Semiconductor /Microwave IC Design /Microwave IC Design /Microwave CAD /Advanced Optical Information Processing/ Holographic Data Storage System/ Optical Digital Computing/ Neural Pattern Recognition System /Advanced Laser Communication /Advanced Mobile Communication/ MMIC Application/ VLSI Application /Guided Wave & Field Theory / Seminar
Algorithm Design and Analysis/ Digital Signal Processing/ Digital Image Processing/ Numerical method for electromagnetic fields/ RFIC Application and Design I/ RFIC Application and Design I/ Semiconductor Physical Electronics/ Semiconductor Photoelectrochemistry/ Semiconductor Optoelectronics/ Semiconductor Topics グ/ Energy Conversionグ/ Microwave Theory/ Microwave Circuits/ Microwave Elements/ Microwave Transmission /Microwave Communication /Millimeter Wave Theory /Laser Optics / Optical Pattern Recognition System /Optical Pattern Recognition System /Optical Signal Processing / Advanced Holography /Neural Computing /Compound Semiconductor Elements/ Seminar
Signals and Systems/ Multimedia Systems/ Image Processing Algorithm Design/ Special Topics in Digital Image Processing / Special Topics in Signal Processing/ Adaptive Filter/ Speech Signal Processing 1,ケ/ Application of Numerical method for electromagnetic fields/ High Power Semiconductor/ RFIC Application and Design II /Advanced Topics in Optical Fiber Communications グ,II/ Higher Analysis in Optics/ Numerical Analysis of Communication Systems I,II/ Electronic Materials/ Advanced Spread Spectrum Communication/ Information Theory/ Advanced Radio Wave Communication/ Advanced Digital Communication/ Advanced 3-D Broadcasting System/ Advanced Image Encryption & Information Hiding/ Advanced Signal and System Theory/ MMIC Design I,II/ VLSI Design I,II/ ASIC &MMIC CAD/ Lab & Seminar