

전자정보공과대학 교수소개

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검색기능을 이용하시면 편리합니다.

교수진 구분 내용
성명 하재근 교수님
학과 전자재료공학과
전공분야 Associate in Material Design and Characterization
직책 교수
연구실 에코 에너지 재료 연구실 (참빛관 904호)
전화번호 940-5168
이메일 jgha@kw.ac.kr
University of Tokyo 재료공학 공학 박사
논문 및 저서
Structure and magnetic properties of nonepitaxially grown L10-FePdCu (2009)
Comparative analysis of Li2CO3 doped (Ba,Sr)TiO3 and ZnBO doped (Ba,Sr)TiO3 ceramics for the low temperature sintering applications (2009)
Microstructure and dielectric properties of Li2CO3 doped 0.7(Ba,Sr)TiO3-0.3MgO ceramics (2009)
1987~1989 Research Scientist in LG electronics inc.
1990~1992 Senior Reseach Scientist in Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
1996 Research Scientist in Korea Institute of Science and Technology
1996~1997 Research Associate in Material Design and Characterization Lab, The University of Tokyo
1997~1998 Research Associate in Center for Development of Instrumentation Technology, Tohoku University
1998~current Associate Professor in Dept. of Electronic Materials Engineering, Kwangwoon Univ.