

전자정보공과대학 교수소개

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교수진 구분 내용
성명 정용진 교수님
학과 전자통신공학과
전공분야 컴퓨터구조 및 ASIC
직책 교수
연구실 실시간구조연구실 (참빛관 810호)
전화번호 02-940-5551
이메일 yjjeong@kw.ac.kr
data science
machine learning
digital SoC design and embedded systems
ADAS(advanced driver assistance systems)
security systems
B.S. 서울대학교 제어계측
M.S. Univ. of Massachusetts 전자전산공학
Ph.D. Univ. of Massachusetts 전자전산공학
논문 및 저서
Evaluating GAN-Based Image Augmentation for Threat Detection in Large-Scale X-ray Security Images. Jan.2021
Fast background subtraction with adaptive block learning using expectation value suitable for real-time moving object detection. Jan.2021
Twitter data analytical methodology development for prediction of start-up firms’ social media marketing level. Nov.2020
Employing Linear Feedback Shift Register as a New Hardware Trojan and Extending ML-FASTrust Method as its Detection Algorithm. Apr.2020
A New GAN-based Anomaly Detection (GBAD) Approach for Multi-threat Object Classification on Large-scale X-Ray Security Images. Feb.2020
KNN-based Automatic Cropping for Improved Threat Object Recognition in X-Ray Security Images. Dec.2019
Solving Survival Gridworld Problem using Hybrid Policy modified Q-based Reinforcement Learning. Dec.2019
Development of License Plate Recognition on Complex-Scene with Plate-style Classification and Confidence Scoring based on KNN. Dec.2018
A quantitative perspective of Porter's industry forces framework for investment analysis. May.2021
Pixel-Level Analysis for Enhancing Threat Detection in Large-Scale X-ray Security Images. Nov.2021