

전자정보공과대학 교수소개

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교수진 구분 내용
성명 박광현 교수님
학과 로봇학부
전공분야 서비스 로봇
직책 교수
연구실 로봇미디어 연구실
사무실 누리관 305호
전화번호 940-5153
이메일 akaii@kw.ac.kr
서비스 로봇
보조공학 시스템
인간-로봇 상호작용(HRI)
기계 학습
패턴 인식
1990~1994 B.S. 한국과학기술원 전자전산학과
1995~1997 M.S 한국과학기술원 전자전산학과
1997~2001 Ph.D. 한국과학기술원 전자전산학과
논문 및 저서
"Kwang-Hyun Park, Seong-Hoon Jung, Christopher Pelczar, and Z. Zenn Bien, "Beat Gesture Recognition and Finger Motion Control of a Piano Playing Robot for Affective Interaction," Intelligent Service Robotics, (2008)
"Hyong-Euk Lee, Kwang-Hyun Park, and Z. Zenn Bien, "Iterative Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm with Supervision to Construct Probabilistic Fuzzy Rule Base from Numerical Data," IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems" vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 263-277, February (2008)
"Z. Zenn Bien, Hyong-Euk Lee, Jun-Hyeong Do, Yong-Hwi Kim, Kwang-Hyun Park, and Seung-Eun Yang, "Intelligent Interaction for Human-friendly Service Robot in Smart House Environment," International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems" vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 78-94, January (2008)
"Kwang-Hyun Park, Hyong-Euk Lee, Youngmin Kim, and Zeungnam Bien, "A Steward Robot for Human-friendly Human-Machine Interaction in a Smart House Environment," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering" vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 21-25, January (2008)
"Xiaoe Ruan, Zeungnam Bien, and Kwang-Hyun Park, "Decentralized Iterative Learning Control to Large-Scale Industrial Processes for Nonrepetitive Trajectories Tracking," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans" vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 238-252, January (2008)
"Dae-Jin Kim, Kwang-Hyun Park, and Zeungnam Bien, "Hierarchical Longitudinal Controller for Real-End Collision Avoidance," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics" vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 805-817, April (2007)
"Kwang-Hyun Park, Zeungnam Bien, Ju-Jang Lee, Byung Kook Kim, Jong-Tae Lim, Jin-Oh Kim, Heyoung Lee, Dimitar H. Stefanov, Dae-Jin Kim, Jin-Woo Jung, Jun-Hyeong Do, Kap-Ho Seo, Chong Hui Kim, Won-Gyu Song, and Woo-Jun Lee, "Robotic Smart House to Assist People with Movement Disabilities," Autonomous Robots" vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 183-198, February (2007)
2001~2003 인간친화 복지 로봇시스템 연구센터 박사후 연구원
2003~2004 한국과학기술원 전자전산학과 연구교수
2004~2005 미국 조지아공과대학교 GVU센터 방문연구원
2005~2008 한국과학기술원 전자전산학과 초빙교수
2008~현재 광운대학교 전자정보공과대학 정보제어공학과 교수